Author Guidelines

Carefully read the submission guidelines as follows:
A. General Requirements
The minimum standard requirements of Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering (JAIDE) be: 
1. Manuscripts written in the Indonesian Language
2. Writing at least 6 pages long and no more than 12 pages. Editors evaluate if the manuscript more than 12 page
3. The use of a tool such as Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote or for reference management and formatting, and choose IEEE Style.
4. The paper begins with the manuscript title, author name, Author Affiliation, Address followed by an abstract written in italics (Italic) all 150-200 Words.
5. If Indonesia language manuscript, then the abstract must be written in the language of Indonesia and English language of good and right. If the article United Kingdom, then the language abstract should be written in the language English. 
6. Manuscript with the Online Submission System at or portal ( 
7. Make sure that your paper is prepared using Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering (JAIDE) template.
8. Notification of acceptance: within 30 (thirty) days after the date of the manuscript is sent.
B. Structure of The Manuscript
Introduction. The introduction should contain (structured) general background, the problem, previous literature review (state of art) as the basis of a statement of the scientific novelty of the article, a statement of scientific novelty, and the research problem or hypothesis. At the end of the introduction should be written the purpose of the article studies. In a scientific article, the format is not allowed for the review of the literature as well as in a research report, but expressed in the previous literature review (state of the art) to demonstrate the scientific novelty of the article and can be written development conceptually based on previous research studies.
Method. The method used to solve the problem is written in this section, Methods must be structured, clear and understandable as well as the right to use the method.
Results: Type the findings of scientific research in accordance with the method used. but must be supported by data and facts sufficient. No discussion on the results of research findings, this section describes only the findings of the research results.
Discussion: in this section is not re-write the research findings, but more scientifically reviewing the results of research, not restate data obtained research results. The scientific findings should be described in Science include: Do the scientific findings obtained? Why did it happen? Why such a variable trend? All these questions must be explained scientifically, not merely descriptive, must be supported by scientific phenomena. Furthermore, it should be explained also in comparison with the results of other researchers about the same topic. The results of the research and findings must be able to answer the research hypotheses in the introduction.
Conclusions: Each article closed with the conclusion that summarizes the answers of the hypothesis or research purposes or scientific findings obtained. Conclusions do not contain repetition of results and discussion, but rather to a summary of the findings as expected on purpose or hypothesis. If necessary, at the end of the conclusion can also write things that will be associated with the next idea of the study.
All references cited in this article MUST BE CONTAINED IN THE CONTENTS OF THE ARTICLE and MANDATORY to use reference tools such as MENDELEY with IEEE format, 80% PRIMARY literature (journals, proceedings, research reports, patents, standards, historical documents, research books) and 20 % SECONDARY literature (books, trustworthy websites) within at least the last 5 years
Writing citations and references using automatic reference management to be more consistent in writing citations and references using reference management application program such as Mendeley, EndNote or Zotero, or other.