Analisis K-Means dalam Segmentasi Pasar Penggunaan Handphone di Lingkungan Mahasiswa STMIK Royal
K-Means, Clustering, Data Mining, Market SegmentationAbstract
The use of smartphones in Indonesia has been steadily increasing each year. In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, smartphones have become a lucrative business sector, leading to intense market competition. Consequently, smartphone companies must pay closer attention to the market segmentation desired by consumers. Data mining is the process of discovering significant relationships and patterns by analyzing large datasets using statistical and mathematical techniques. This study aims to identify and analyze the market segments of Android smartphone users among students at STMIK Royal. The data used in this research were collected from 122 student respondents. The study employs clustering using the K-means algorithm. The resulting data modeling will categorize market segments into several clusters. This segmentation yields three clusters: Cluster 1 (features), consisting of 36 respondents who prioritize price, battery, camera, and warranty; Cluster 2 (product), with 49 respondents who value all attributes except warranty; and Cluster 3 (superiority), comprising 37 respondents who prioritize camera, brand, and RAM.
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