Transformasi Metode Pembelajaran di Era Digital
Workshop, AI Technology, ChatGPTAbstract
The educational approach in Indonesia, especially at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Daarussalam, must respond to the challenges of globalization and rapid advances in information technology. This change requires a transformation of the learning system from conventional methods that are oriented toward memorization to an educational model that is more interactive and relevant to the needs of the times. Critical, creative, and adaptable skills are a must for graduates to compete in the dynamic world of work. Integrating digital technology in learning, such as the use of AI-based learning tools and digital platforms such as ChatGPT, has the potential to increase student participation and provide a more individualized approach to teaching. In this context, MTs Darussalam is committed to carrying out transformation by increasing teachers' understanding of educational technology and implementing professional training. By implementing a collaborative and creative digital learning model, it is hoped that students can develop into critical thinkers and problem solvers ready to face future challenges. This transformation is not just a change in methods but an educational investment aimed at building competitive human resources in the global era.
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