Pelatihan Pengenalan Dasar Public Speaking Bagi Siswa Siswi MAS Al Ma’shum Kisaran
Public Speaking, Skills, StudentsAbstract
Public speaking is the activity of speaking in front of an audience with the aim of delivering information, providing explanations, entertaining, or influencing the listeners. It also involves conveying messages verbally in front of an audience, whether in the form of speeches, presentations, lectures, or discussions. Public speaking is a crucial skill in various aspects of life, ranging from education to the professional world. This ability not only helps in academic presentations but also impacts how a person communicates and influences others. At the high school level and equivalent, students begin preparing for the next stage in their education or entering the workforce. Many challenges arise for students when speaking in front of an audience in a formal setting and explaining their presentations. Students face difficulties due to a lack of self-confidence, nervousness, panic, and a lack of mastery over the material they will present. In addition to a lack of self-confidence, other challenges include limited vocabulary, low communication skills, fear of judgment from others, and insufficient preparation. Basic public speaking training at Al Ma'shum High School in Kisaran would be highly beneficial for students to boost their self-confidence, enhance their communication skills, sharpen their critical and logical thinking abilities, and equip them for entering the workforce. The basic public speaking training will involve methods such as self-introduction exercises, role-playing, speech structure practice, impromptu speaking, expression training, intonation and articulation exercises, as well as feedback and evaluation.
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