Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Pemandian Air Panas “Citra” Melalui Transformasi Digital Pengelolaan Pondok dan Kantin
Management, Canteen, Lodging, Digital, TechnologyAbstract
Citra Teluk Sibayan Hot Springs is the first geothermal hot spring in Batubara Regency. The hot spring has gained recognition among the public and faces challenges in managing its canteen and lodges. The community service program aims to enhance service quality through digital transformation. The initiative is based on the need to improve operational efficiency and visitor satisfaction through technology. The method of the program consists of three phases: first, a needs analysis and design of a digital system for food ordering and lodge management. Second, the implementation of technology, including the development of an application, integration of a payment system, and installation of hardware. Third, staff training to ensure effective use of the system. The initial results of the program show improved record-keeping of canteen sales and visitor satisfaction. The digital payment system accelerates transactions, reduces errors, and streamlines sales tracking. Positive feedback from visitors and staff indicates a better experience and the potential for increased revenue. This program is expected to serve as a successful model for the application of digital technology in managing tourism facilities.
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