Adaptasi Teknologi Dalam Penguatan Literasi Dan Numerasi Dalam Era Digital Pada UPTD SDN 015861 Bunut Seberang
Teaching Campus, Literacy, NumeracyAbstract
Observations carried out at the beginning of campus education program activities at UPTD Sekolah SDN 015861 Bunut Seberang showed that digital literacy and numeracy skills are very important to improve in the current digital era. Some of the problems identified include low interest in reading, difficulty in simple arithmetic operations, and lack of clarity in the library. Therefore, students have developed several programs to improve digital literacy and numeracy in schools. Recommended programs such as reading fluency, coloring pages, math puzzles, bullying education, library organization, and literacy corners will help students improve their literacy and digital skills. Interactive and varied learning methods aim to increase student interest and participation in the learning process. Apart from that, the use of technology is also an important part of increasing digital literacy and numeracy. Through training, workshops, development of digital educational content, and integration of digital and computing skills into the curriculum, we aim to enable students to develop skills that meet the needs of our time. Through these programs, it is hoped that students will improve their literacy and numeracy skills, help them handle digital information better and prepare them to face the challenges of this digital era. We hope that the results of this Teaching Campus program can provide great benefits for education and the development of students' skills at school.
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