Pemanfaatan Google Tools Untuk Peningkatan Kinerja Guru Brainfor Kindergarten School
Google Tools, Teacher Performance, Educational TechnologyAbstract
The use of technology in education has become a necessity to improve the performance and effectiveness of the teaching and learning process. This article aims to explore the utilization of Google Tools by teachers at Brainfor Kindergarten School to enhance their performance. The methods used include observation and interviews with teachers as well as analysis of the use of Google tools such as Google Classroom, Google Drive, and Google Meet. The results of this study indicate that the use of Google Tools can improve efficiency in lesson planning, task management, and communication between teachers and parents. Additionally, Google Tools assist in the professional development of teachers by providing easier access to resources and online training. Therefore, the implementation of this technology is expected to be continuously supported and developed to enhance the quality of education at Brainfor Kindergarten School
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